The American made Dixon Ticonderoga Medium 2 5/10 pencil

I recently acquired a half gross of Dixon Ticonderogas in a medium grade, the 2 5/10. These came in a case of six one-dozen boxes. The case made it extra interesting for me, and so I was willing to go a little further with cost. Ended up costing me 41 dollars, which isn’t bad, considering the cost of good pencils nowadays. The American made Dixons are extra special for me, anyway.

The medium is a harder grade than the more common Soft-No. 2. The harder grade is more appropriate for writing, where the hardness translates into longer sessions in between sharpening. I compared the pencil to all my No. 3s, which are my idea of a writing pencil, and the Dixon medium was softer than any of them. It was very similar in performance to the Ben Franklin 500 Medium.

The overall quality of the medium was consistent with other Dixons – a good pencil, not in the same league as my Berol or Blaisdell made Ben Franklins or Black Warriors. The paint job on the Ticonderogas consists of fewer layers, the grain sometimes breaks through the paint, there’s less luster. Still, a good pencil, just shy of greatness. Everything has a cost. Oh, what might have been.

Finally, I looked at my post for the Dixon and noticed that it was, in fact the Medium that was such a favorite of Roald Dahl.

From Storyteller: The Authorized Biography of Roald Dahl by Donald Sturrock



